Are you ready for a different approach?
Start in a new direction.
Whether you are looking for therapy for life changes and challenges, feeling stressed and overwhelmed, trauma recovery, or you are looking for a specialist in psychiatry for treatment of depression, anxiety, prolonged grief, PTSD, C-PTSD:
Dr. Whitney Gilley is a Board Certified M.D. specializing in Psychiatry. She believes in a whole-person approach to care and in taking time with patients.
Therapy, medication, and integrative options.
Saturday appointments. Weekly 50 minute therapy visits.
Online visits with the doctor are available for adults seeking direct specialty care in Kentucky and Tennessee.**
When it comes to treatments that affect something as important as your mind, it’s essential to know who is treating you.
At New Directions Psychiatry PLLC, your care is always provided directly by a physician with specialized training and Board Certification in Psychiatry by both the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and the National Board of Physicians and Surgeons.
The focus is on quality care tailored to you.
Dr. Gilley works with patients on treatment options that fit their values and goals. Therapy, medication, and integrative options are offered and are tailored to individual patient needs. Psychotherapy services provided directly by the physician include CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), ACT (Acceptance Commitment Therapy), Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, integrative and brief supportive therapy. Brief counseling may be performed as part of follow-up visits for patients receiving medication treatment.
Time is taken to understand the whole person, not just symptoms, because you are more than a diagnosis.
Step by step, obstacles can become stepping stones on the path to a happier, healthier life.
*Image is not of an actual patient
Visit Time
Time is needed to provide quality care for emotional and behavioral health conditions and concerns. For this reason, at New Directions Psychiatry PLLC, no appointments are scheduled for less than 30 minutes. Patients have the option for more frequent appointments than available in many clinics. As a psychotherapy-oriented practice, most therapy sessions are 50 minutes, and many patients are seen weekly or every other week.
Initial appointments are typically around 1.5 hours—all directly with your doctor. This provides time for a full evaluation, discussion of treatment options, brief counseling or education about your condition or concern, and the opportunity for questions. Medication-focused follow-ups are typically scheduled for 30 minutes.
Personalized Care
To gain a greater sense of who you are as a person, Dr. Gilley makes it a priority to understand your needs, stressors, supports, goals, and values. To ensure time to do this, this practice keeps the number of patients low.
There are many aspects in our lives that impact mood and behavior. When tailoring treatment options to an individual patient, Dr.Gilley considers things such as non-psychiatric health conditions and medications, nutrition, daily activities, family history or genetics, and prior treatment effects and experiences.
Specialist Care
Psychiatrists receive the same rigorous medical school education all physicians receive to earn an MD. They then undergo years of specialty training in the diagnosis and treatment of emotional and behavioral health disorders and the use of medications for these conditions. They also receive training in psychotherapy and other therapeutic interventions.
Not everyone who provides behavioral healthcare is a physician specialist, even if they prescribe medication. It can be even harder to know who is treating you with online therapy or virtual medication prescriptions. At New Directions Psychiatry, PLLC, your telehealth appointment is always directly with a physician (MD) specializing in Psychiatry.
Whether you feel comfortable at home or have another quiet, private space you can use for a virtual doctor’s visit, Telehealth brings the physician to you. No public waiting rooms or long drives to see the specialist. Telehealth provides many patients with a new option.
Having a psychiatrist that offers both medication and psychotherapy all in one place can simplify your care. It may also improve the quality of care as your doctor can see a broader, more in-depth picture of your response to treatment.
Clinical Evaluation & Second Opinion
Psychotherapy and Counseling
Medication and Holistic Care
Dr. Gilley is based in Madisonville and offers services across Kentucky and Tennessee.**
**Dr. Gilley is a clinical adult psychiatrist that offers patients voluntary treatment services. She is not a forensic psychiatrist, which is a psychiatrist with sub-specialty training in legal issues as they relate to psychiatry. This practice does not perform legal / Forensic Psychiatry evaluations. Professional ethics prevent psychiatrists from acting as both treating physician and as the evaluator of a patient for a third party such as an employer or for legal purposes. This psychotherapy-oriented, clinical practice does not perform Disability Evaluations or Fitness for Duty Evaluations (including Transporation/Aviation, or for carrying firearms), expert testimony, Forensic Evaluations, or other assessments for legal cases (such as divorce or child custody/parental fitness).
**Services require an internet connection capable of supporting synchronous audio and video from a physical location within the state of Kentucky. Not all conditions or situations are appropriate for telehealth services.